PREORDER GB Pockit+ All City Stroller

  • $369.00
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ETA 3-4 weeks
GB Pockit+ All-City | 6M+ | 22kg | 1-Year Warranty

Introducing the Pockit+ All-City Stroller: The Urban Parent’s Dream

In the bustling cityscape, the GB Pockit+ All-City stroller stands out as a beacon of innovation and style. Designed for parents who navigate the urban jungle, this stroller combines functionality with a sleek, minimalist aesthetic. Available in a range of colors including Atlantic Orange, Desert Night, Velvet Black, Vanilla Beige, and Night Blue, it’s not just a stroller but a fashion statement.

Ultra-Compact, Ultra-Convenient

One of the GB Pockit+ All-City’s most impressive features is its ultra-compact folding mechanism. With just two steps, the stroller folds down to a size that’s compliant with airplane hand luggage standards. This means no more checking in your stroller or waiting at baggage claim. You can simply fold it and carry it onto the plane, making travel with your little one hassle-free and more enjoyable.

Customizable Comfort for Your Child

The PGB Pockit+ All-City isn’t just about convenience for parents; it’s also about comfort for your child. The semi-recline function allows the seat to be adjusted in infinite positions, up to a resting position. Whether your child wants to sit up and observe the world or take a nap, this stroller adapts to their needs.

3-in-1 Travel System: Adaptable and Versatile

The GB Pockit+ All-City Stroller is not just a stroller; it’s a complete travel system. It’s compatible with the Cot to Go and gb/CYBEX car seats, making it a versatile choice for parents. Whether you’re taking a quick trip to the grocery store or embarking on a longer journey, this stroller adapts to your changing needs.

Designed for the Urban Environment

Every aspect of the GB Pockit+ All-City is designed with the urban environment in mind. The single wheels are perfect for city streets, with front wheel suspension ensuring a smooth ride over sidewalks and through parks. The slim profile of the wheels makes it easy to navigate through crowded spaces, ensuring that you and your little one can move around the city with ease.

Lightweight and Easy to Handle

Despite its robust features, the GB Pockit+ All-City is surprisingly lightweight. This makes it easy to carry when folded, whether you’re climbing stairs, hopping onto public transport, or loading it into a car. For parents on the go, this ease of handling is a game-changer.

Growing with Your Child

The GB Pockit+ All-City is designed to grow with your child, from 6 months up to 22 kg (approximately 4 years). This longevity ensures that it’s not just a purchase but an investment in your child’s comfort and your convenience over several years.